Sports Massage
Sports massage has been around for a long time and is one of the earliest forms of physical therapy. Originating from Swedish massage techniques, it has been adapted over the years to shape its modern form as sports massage, and is generally used to help alleviate muscular aching complaints. Techniques used are varied and can include different ways of moving the muscle and soft tissues such as: effleurage, kneading, wringing, hacking, friction, trigger point release, scar tissue work and working on the fascia. Sports massage can also be used, alongside other joint and soft tissue stretching techniques, to improve general mobility and range of motion in areas of tightness within the body. At The Spine & Sports Injury Clinic, Sports Massage Services are delivered by Dominic Hill (BSc Hons.)
Soft tissues can include the skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia; and all can be influenced by the application of sports massage, typically changing the sense of tightness, aching, discomfort or pain in an area of the body. It can be an aid in general relaxation for the body, or to help address more specific issues such as muscular soreness following exercise or activity. Some active individuals will utilise sports massage to help them prepare for a sporting event, or to help them recover following intensive exercise sessions. Sports massage sessions can also be integrated into training schedules to help athletes perform at their peak of training.
Non-sports individuals can also benefit from sport massage as the remedial effects can help ease a range of pain complaints, including repetitive strain style injuries that might be sustained within the workplace.
If you’d like more information on how we can help you recover from your pain or injury call, message or email; or book your appointment though our online booking page.